This is my first article of the year and I’m pretty excited. I think for this year I’ll start writing some more “Male Centric” articles. I mean hey we need some love too. And plus I know my female audience loves to read the Male topics anyway. But before I go into these topics. I first want to explain what a Man is. Or at least what I believe a Man to be. When I write my future articles these will be the kind of Men I discuss. So without further ado here is my take on what a Man is.
A Man Holds Himself Accountable
I feel as though a Man should always hold himself accountable. I was always raised to never make excuses. Or to blame the next person. When you fall you dust yourself off, figure out where you went wrong and try not to make the same mistakes next time. I see alot of guys out here that just blames everyone for everything that happens to him. It’s typically the traits of a narcissist and trust me there are alot of those type of guys around. You may have even dated a few. However a real man can’t afford to not hold himself accountable because people who don’t tend to not get very far in my experience.
In some cultures, religions and households the man is seen as the head of the household and sometimes the only provider. The family leans on him to pay the bills and provide. If he blows his money on things that aren’t important and the lights get cut off or there isn’t any food. He can’t blame anyone but himself. A man has to hold himself to a high standard. A having accountability for his actions is the first step.
A Man Must Give Respect, Earn Respect, And Respect Himself
People tend to treat you based off how you treat yourself. If a Man takes himself serious then other people will take him serious as well. A Man gives respect but also doesn’t tolerate disrespect. If disrespect comes his way he nips it in the bud quickly before it becomes a bigger problem. Because if someone can get over on you once they will try it again. These are all ways that you earn respect.
In a relationship your girl should also get respect. It sounds obvious but alot of guys treat women like an accessory or toy to just trot around. Your significant other and especially your wife is a reflection of you so if you disrespect them you’re basically disrespecting yourself. You should also carry yourself in a way that exhibits respect from her. You can’t be cheating or entertaining other women and then scratching your head wondering why she doesn’t respect you. And also side note. Once a women loses respect for you. You usually don’t get it back.
A Man Should Be Stable
I feel as though a Man should at the very least be able to provide for himself and keep a roof over his head. Of course life happens to everyone. You may lose your job. Or your house and car may just spontaneously combust in flames. Shit happens but it all goes back to my first point which is holding yourself accountable. And being able to adapt to your situation.
A Man should have some sort of stability. You can’t be bouncing from job to job or home to home or even woman to woman. Now if you’re bouncing from a job to a better job that’s different. But there are guys out here they can’t keep a stable job or even a stable roof and basically mooch off of everyone around them and of course will blame everyone for their misfortune.
Basically what I’m saying is Men Should have their ish together……
A Man Should Be In Control Of His Emotions
Now this isn’t me saying that Men shouldn’t be emotional. I’m not one those guys that’s like men should be heartless bastards and never show their feelings. Every nonsocialpathic humanbeing is somewhat emotional. However I feel a man should be able to control them. He shouldn’t make drastic decisions based off emotion or how he feels at the moment.
He should be able to put his emotions to the side and be able to make logical decisions. A guy that leads with his emotions tends to be the guy that’s always in some sort of trouble or in a situation that he can’t get out of. If you are the head of your family sometimes you can’t afford to make emotional decisions.
A Man Should Be Responsible
Responsibility is the difference between a boy and a Man. A Man should be able to do things for himself and others without having to be asked to do it. A Man should be reliable not just in his words alone but also in his actions as well. He should be responsible with his money and know where his money is going every month. He should be able to take criticism and build off of that to become a better person.
A boy on the other hand spends his money foolishly. Not knowing where his money goes. A boy says things with the intent to not actually go through with it. A boy has to be told to clean or even to take care of himself. When a boy fails to hold responsibility he complains procrastinates and blames people.
In Conclusion
These traits are what I feel is though a Man is. It’s not about who can yell the loudest or boast the most. It’s not about who can drink the most and hold their liquor. Being a man isn’t about who slept with the most women or most beautiful women. It’s about holding yourself accountable. Respecting yourself and others and being responsible.
Alot of men just aren’t taught how to be Men. Whether because there wasn’t a Man present or because the Man present simply wasn’t Man himself. There are boys out here watching us and if we have sons they are definitely out here watching us. It is our job to hold ourselves to a higher standard. To take ourselves seriously. That way the next generation will follow in our footsteps and also become productive young men. Like, Share, and Subscribe. “Love Is Confusing But We’ll Get Through It Together.”