Why Loving Yourself Is Important
Last time I talked about self love was when I wrote “3 steps to loving yourself.” It was well received and judging by the comments it helped a lot of people which is the whole point of why I write. Now while I gave you those three steps I never told you why loving yourself is important. I mean maybe a little but I didn’t really go into depth about it. I’ve read some articles and in my opinion it seemed like they didn’t go into depth either.
Loving Yourself Is A Dangerous Weapon
It bothered me because if you didn’t guess by the title loving yourself is the most important thing you can do. Everything starts with it and most of your problems can be solved by it. The ability to love yourself is a dangerous weapon. People fear the one’s that have it. Because they are harder to manipulate, harder to get over on and harder to control. Opinions of others tend to bother you a lot less and your own opinions on yourself begins to matter a lot more. It becomes in a way your shield and sword. As your self confidence grows more and more.
The people without this weapon however are the ones preyed upon. Some men look for women who doesn’t have this weapon of self love. Why? Because it’s easier for him to get what he want from her. She becomes an easy target for him. There are women who do the same to men. Because he lacks this weapon he falls for her charm and empties his bank account for her. As a matter of fact the ugly truth is this world functions off of taking away the ability of you loving yourself to make a profit. Always telling you that you aren’t good enough. Good looking enough. Strong enough. Smart enough…Happy enough. That’s why you should always be armed by loving yourself.
Happiness Starts with you.

Speaking of happiness. Being happy starts with you. If you don’t love yourself you will never be happy. I’ve seen people who seemingly had it all. Money, success and that house on the hill but were either still miserable or they had to have more it was never enough. Despite all that they had gained and despite all that they had accomplished they didn’t love themselves and they weren’t happy. They had a void that many people have and were trying to fill it but to no avail. When your source of happiness becomes reliant on everything but yourself it becomes a problem.
My happiness used to come from the appreciation of others. I wanted to make everyone happy. I wanted that pat on the back, that high five. I wanted people to acknowledge me. Ex’s in the past that I wanted to make happy sometimes at the expense of my own happiness. I didn’t really take the time to worry about what made me happy. At the time I didn’t care. As long as got that appreciation I was fine. It wasn’t until my breakup that I realized that I had no identity of my own. I was who ever I had to be to make everyone else happy…..if that makes sense. I realized that I had lost myself and decided to take steps to finding out who I was.
Without Self Love It Becomes Easier To Lose Yourself
It’s very easy to lose yourself. When you look at that person in an abusive relationship and wonder why don’t they just leave. You may call them stupid or naive every time they leave and wind up going back into that toxic relationship. You may look at that drug addict that’s hooked on cocaine. That does unimaginable things to get their fix and wonder how did things ever get to this point.
Both situations have a common denominator. They both eventually lost themselves. They stopped loving themselves or maybe they never learned how in the first place. Instead they looked for other things to give them that love instead of looking within. For the person in the relationship they looked for the affection of their partner and for the addict they turned to drugs and got trapped. Some of you have been in this situation before. Others have seen people in this situation. And there’s others who think they can never be in this situation but I’m sure the people in both situations felt the same.
In “Three Steps To Loving Yourself” I said that you had to “figure out who you are.” Once you truly get your identity. It’s harder to lose yourself because when you start slipping you will hopefully be able to pull yourself back from that abyss. Like I said earlier loving yourself is your weapon. We’re all human and there is this thing called life. Anything can happen that may push you over the edge. A death to a loved one. Break ups and divorces. You could lose your job. These things can push you to that abyss but by loving yourself it makes it easier to cope with them. Physically, mentally and emotionally.
Self Love Improves Your Health
Physical Health
When you begin to love yourself you become more conscious of the things you do. You’re going want to improve. You may decide to start taking better care of yourself. You are what you eat right? So you may start eating better. Skipping out on that fast food and junk food and replacing it with healthy alternatives. In my opinion you just become more motivated. You may start going to the gym, jogging but the most important thing is your going to want to do it for yourself. No matter what your physical goals may be. You won’t do just so more women can look at you or so guys jaws drop when you walk past. That will be just…the cherry on the cake. However your going be doing it so when you look at yourself you’ll see the physical self improvement and give yourself a pat on the back. You’ll deserve it.
Mental Health
I noticed once I started taking the steps to loving myself. I experienced some changes. I noticed my anxiety that I battled with seemingly my whole life significantly decreased over time. I made more logical decisions rather than making decisions based off of emotion. It was easier for me to shake negative habits that I had. Such as laziness, procrastination and other things. However most importantly it increased my self esteem. I just woke up feeling a lot better about myself. I liked who I seen in the mirror and as a result I wanted to make my mission for that person in the mirror to have the most happiness a human being can have in a lifetime.
In Conclusion
Loving yourself isn’t easy. Trust me I wouldn’t be writing this if it was. However it’s extremely important. It’s a weapon that everyone should have ready to use at all times. There are many people out there that wants to take that weapon from you because they know much power comes from self love. Remember loving yourself is free. I can’t give you that ability nor can the person next to you. It comes from within, it comes from you. I can give you steps. i can even give valid reasons why you should practice self love. But at the end of the day it comes down to you. And I know you can do it! Like, Share and Comment and Subscribe if you liked it. Remember “Love Is Confusing But We’ll Get Through It Together.”