Men & Women: Are We Really That Different?(Stereotypes)
Alright now I think I gotten the generic topics out of the way and now its time for me to set myself apart. Maybe be a little more controversial. Now on to my point. As a society we love to divide things, race, politics, religion, sexual orientation, gender etc.
Often at these times, differences are pushed so much on to us that we forget something. We forget that we are all still human beings. Now this isn’t a blog about morals or ethics but it all ties into my topic. All of the things we love to categorize all have stereotypes or misconceptions about them or have double standards surrounding them. I will focus on gender on this post particularly gender roles in a relationship. It seems there is so much animosity between men and women. We seem to be more at odds at one another then ever before. There’s more competition women are becoming a lot more independent and I love it but honestly i think men and women are more similar than people think especially when it comes to dating. There are several stereotypes that both men and women have proven to be false.
- Women in a relationship or marriage have to cook, clean and take care of children while the man works.
- All men cheat, and men cheat more than woman.
- Women are oversensitive compared to men
- Men only care about sex.
Women in a relationship/marriage HAVE to cook, clean and take care of kids.
I said in my first paragraph how woman are becoming a lot more independent. The fact that some guys and yes guys I actually know and call friends still think or act this way is kind of crazy. I grew up in a household where my mother had to do everything because she was the only parent around. However I also was the only boy with two sisters. I was expected to learn to cook, clean and wash clothes like everyone else in the house. So personally I just don’t believe in genders roles. I also don’t think woman have to give up their dreams to raise a child while the man works and pursues his career. If the woman wants to its fine but it shouldn’t be decision forced on to her there are things like daycare.
Both people in a relationship should help out. If there is trash to be taken out and the man is not there she can take it out. If there are dishes in the sink he can wash them. If the baby poop the guy can change the diaper and etc. Days are long gone where woman have to stay in the “kitchen” so obviously this isn’t as big as an issue as it used to be. But there are still guys who have this mentality. Seriously I am very surprised by the amount of men who don’t know how to cook. Even something simple like how to separate clothes before you wash them because they expect their woman to know how to do it for them.
All men cheat/more than woman
Okay so, are there any guy readers still here? I think I’ve lost every male subscriber as well. I’m probably being labeled a feminist in the comment section as you read this but for every guy still here this is for you. This stereotype can probably be a whole topic in and of itself. Some day it probably will be.
All men don’t cheat there are some good guys out there somewhere. *Waving my hand.* If every guy you been with cheated on you then either you’re very unlucky or you may have to change the kind of men that you’re into. I also don’t believe guys cheat more than women and there’s probably no way of proving women cheat more than men. That’s pretty obvious but there is one difference about men and women; Sex. There is a double standard that if guys have sex with multiple woman they are cool, and gets frequent high fives and if woman do it…….they get called some pretty bad names.
Why does this matter? Guys have a habit of bragging when they have sex. We have to bang on our chest and boast. Women are less likely to do so. They may tell a close friend or two but it’s not something they would like to spread around. So the chances of women getting caught are less than men. It doesn’t mean women don’t cheat as much it means women are probably much smarter at cheating than we think. Chances are you probably been cheated on and don’t even know it and you never will… but i digress.
Women are oversensitive compared to Men
Women are sensitive that’s true………Guys are sensitive too. Humans are sensitive in general that’s why we all have these things called emotions. This stereotype exists for similar reasons that the “men cheat more” stereotype exists. Except it’s reversed girls are more open with showing their emotions than guys. Society has deemed men showing their emotions as being soft, not manly or to be blunt…”pussies.” Now we can hold in our emotions but they are still there they don’t go anywhere. Have you ever noticed how after a break up the woman cries and cries and the guy is nonchalant moving on. Then fast forward months later she’s fine and he’s the one whining trying to get her back.
That’s the result of the guy holding in his feelings and then later on they finally ooze out. Like seriously I’m a guy and I know my ass can be sensitive at times and I know my male friends are a bunch of big babies. Hopefully they not reading this…….but this notion that woman are more sensitive than men are wrong. You want to see a sensitive man? Be there when his favorite sports team loses or be there when he is losing in call of duty or be there when a store doesn’t sell his vanilla coke and he rants to himself (actually i think that just might be me).
Men Only Care About Sex
If I said I didn’t care about sex I would be liar. But it’s a common misconception that that is the only thing we think about is sex. That’s simply not true; we eat, drink and also sleep thank you very much. Dry jokes aside we do care about sex and I will admit that at times we think with our men parts rather than using logic but sex alone isn’t all we care about. Anyone can have sex but building a long lasting relationship is the real challenge and those are the kind of things that a man thinks about. Note that I said man not boy. Immature boys or guys are usually the ones that will do everything and anything to get it(believe it or not girls do too) and its neither here or there.
Sex is everywhere, its a huge seller from commercials, movies, tv shows and even some cartoons. So it’s understandable that it would be on our minds a lot. Sex isn’t marketed to just men though however but to females as well. How many times have you seen an overweight man in an axe commercial? How does the “good guy” in any Tyler Perry movie look……I’ll wait. My point is woman prioritizes sex as well. I believe its very important to them. Sex is on a woman’s mind as well as a man’s. However, I do believe men care about sex alot more than women doo. Sorry fellas we know its the truth.
In conclusion this may not be one of my more popular post. I’ve probably pissed everyone off but I honestly do think that men and women aren’t really all that different. Society makes us different. Woman can be just as strong as men and I’m sure a man has the ability to whip up a 5 course meal. I’m all for equality for every human being on this planet. There are amazing things we can do if we can all put our minds together and cease with the labeling and categorizing of each other. Now this is part one of a two part blog. In the second part it will be a similar format in which I argue against common double standards between men and women in relationships. Like, share and comment(I know the comments will be interesting) and remember “Love is confusing but we’ll figure this out together.” Have an awesome day.