Men Aren’t Drawn By The Same Things As Women
I think the trap that women have been falling for is that they believe or assume that men are attracted to the same things that they are, Money, Success, Status and Protection. Now the key word here is attracted. Now I say that because there are men that say that we don’t care about how much a woman makes or where she works or how many degrees she has. That’s not exactly true. We care but in a different way then women would. Our dicks aren’t going to get hard at the thought of landing a woman with a PHD that’s making over a 100k a year. I couldn’t tell you where my friends girlfriend work or how much they make and vice versa because guys don’t really have conversations like that. I’ll be real if you’re not attractive to us then to a guy who has his shit together it’s not going to move the needle much. He’ll choose the woman that never graduated high school, that’s now a part time cashier at a fast food joint over that woman in a heartbeat if he thinks she’s way more attractive.
Now if to him they were both extremely attractive or on the same level he would probably choose the woman with the PHD. (However if she makes more than him that could be a problem. More on that later). That’s because we do care but we care differently than you do. In society men are supposed to already be the breadwinners. Status is expected of us and we are supposed to protect you. So when it comes to us looking for partners we aren’t really looking for those things. But if you have those things it tells us something about you. It shows us certain traits,
A woman with a PHD or multiple degrees means she had to grind extremely hard to get that. A woman with a business tells me she can juggle many things at once. A woman that makes her own money doesn’t need to depend on anyone. Now not to bash the woman who does fast food but we may look at her and think to ourselves that yeah she may be good looking but she’s probably a headache . She might have a poor work ethic. Considering she may not make that much, She’s likely going to be a big bill if we decide to engage in a long term relationship.
She could be extremely clingy since she has so much free time so while we are working she’ll be blowing us up all the time. And yeah that sounds harsh but that’s how we be thinking. Now with the woman with the PHD you wouldn’t have those problems. Even if she wants you to still be the main breadwinner she can still buy things on her own. She can still help out financially cause lets be real with all this inflation sometimes it takes two incomes. Plus y’all both will be grinding so its less time for you both to be up each other’s asses. The only issue for a guy could be the amount of money you make……
For you women out there that’s making loads of money especially the sistahs. I salute y’all. But I also feel horrible for you as well cause I’m sure the dating market is brutal for you. So when guys say we don’t care about how much a woman makes. Again that’s not really true. There are alot of men who will feel self conscious with a woman that makes more even if he himself “has his shit together”. There’s men who have control issues, and a woman who makes more than him or makes her own money can’t be controlled so that will piss him off.
And of course like I said earlier men are supposed to be the breadwinners so if his woman doesn’t need him financially it can make him feel like he can’t fulfill his role in the relationship. So a woman that makes more than us can make us feel some type of way. Is that your fault? Should you have to lower yourself because a man’s ego is hurt? Hell no. However I do have a solution but you gotta hear me out. Find a man that makes good money doing trades. Or a man that makes good money but has lots of skills. My reasoning is if a guy is “useful in a room” and makes his own money he is not going to worry too much about what you make. You might make 30k more than he does a year but he can fix your car, fix your pipes, fix your lights or even put together that Ikea furniture your ass doesn’t feel like doing. That’s a “high value man” to me. And on the plus side he’ll have something to teach your children as well.
Just Because Men Want To Have Sex With You Doesnt Mean They Are Interested

Guys with fuck anything…that’s pretty obvious. However I think some woman believe just because alot of men are “sexually” interested in you they are “genuinely” interested in you. A guy will make fun of Lizzo over her weight publicly then privately call up a girl her size to have sex with. You know how with y’all you have your “skeletons in your closet” that maybe only your bestie knows about. Men have skeletons in our closet that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT. We will take it to our graves, and possibly hers if she spills the beans on our affair. (Just kidding) So yeah just because a man wants to do the grown up with you doesn’t mean he actually likes you. Out of all 100+ likes on your “cleavage” photo on social media, how many of those guys liked it because they like you as a person or friend or because they want a shot at you.
It gets even worse because some guys can even fake a 10+ year friendship just to get one chance at having sex with you. That is usually called the “friendzone”. Of course women know this which is why a lot of women don’t just give it up on the first night. Women will usually have you wait even if they want it as much as you do. How does she know we won’t ghost her or delete her number afterwards after promising her sweet nothings?
However it gets even worse than that. Say you read Steve Harvey’s book, think like a man and decide to have him wait 90 days before you both can get intimate. He agrees after 90 days you both have some steamy romance and now you are together. There are some guys who are only in a relationship just to have consistent sex. There was a guy I knew who was going through some issues with his girlfriend and he didn’t want to be with her anymore. However he wouldn’t break up with her, he just kept dealing with the issues. So I kinda got annoyed because I was tired of hearing about the issues and asked “okay, if she’s this bad why are you still with her?” And he replied “If I break up with her, I’m afraid I’m not going to get any more consistent pussy.”
Now he is a guy that struggles with self confidence but imagine being with someone and in their head they are done with you however their second head is the only reason why you are still even together. Of course I understand with females it can be similar. There are a lot of women that deal with men that ain’t shit only because he can dick her down like no other. The difference is though men are the “hunters”. Men tend to have to work harder to get theirs. Most women can get dick whenever they want. Their main issues are the quality of the dick they get. With men if it’s been a cold streak shit every women got that W.A.P and men will take what they can get.
Now with women who are extremely attractive I feel bad for you cause I know it’s extremely different to figure out if a guy is really into you or not. There was a girl in the past that worked with me in the past. One of the most beautiful women that you’d see in person. Had everything hips, boobs, ass, pretty face, beautiful eyes and was thick on top of that. The men at the job went crazy when she got hired within her first week. There was a guy giving her coffee and breakfast in the morning. There was a guy buying her lunch. The boss would give her extra breaks and allow to get away with things no one could get away with including being very late. The thing is she was totally oblivious to why everyone was being so nice to her and giving her so much attention she just thought all the men were “nice people.”
At first I thought she was faking it until I conversed with her and learned that she had been really heavy set her entire life. She started to work out prior to starting the job so she never got that attention from men before. She showed me her before pictures on her phone and she looked different for sure. So she thought everyone was being nice until her co-workers wanted more from her. They found out she had a boyfriend and of course they didn’t care but once she repeatedly rejected their advances they stopped playing nice. The coffee stopped, the lunch stopped and her special treatment stopped and she realized that they didn’t care for her at all they just wanted to hit it and once they couldn’t they were no longer interested. So I guess the big question is this. How the fuck do you know if a man is genuinely interested and not just trying to fuck? Welp, that’s my next article! Stay tuned!
Love Is Loyalty, Sacrifice, Compromise